Time Magazine
Nation: Action in Tonkin Gulf
Friday, Aug. 14, 1964

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Time Magazine
Nation: Action in Tonkin Gulf
Friday, Aug. 14, 1964


Escalation of the War
Early Presidency


On the cover is Admiral Sharp Jr.

"(See Cover) The Gulf of Tonkin is a forbidding body of water. Along its shores lie the brutal war in South Viet Nam, the belligerent Red regime of North Viet Nam's Ho Chi Minh, the ominous expanse of Communist China.

Yet, to the young men of the 2,200-ton U.S. destroyer Maddox, patrol duty in Tonkin seemed as ho-hum and hum drum as duty on any of a hundred other routine tin-can patrols. In this case, the mission of the Maddox was mainly to show the U.S. flag and keep a casual lookout for..."



Time August 14 1964 Tonkin.jpg



“Time Magazine
Nation: Action in Tonkin Gulf
Friday, Aug. 14, 1964,” Effect of Vietnam War in Boston, Digital Archive, accessed April 23, 2024, https://brianavessells.omeka.net/items/show/65.